training programme
We provide a three day whole enchilada face to face or online self-employment workshop programme. This includes a comprehensive all bells and whistles workbook, confidence building, ongoing peer to peer and email support, and all business templates necessary
to set up a thriving business that
flourishes to the moon and back. We can also guarantee that your participants will actually enjoy the experience, unlike other business courses we don't care to mention ;)

What is included:
Fully trained business advisors give one to one phone, email and video conferencing support via Teams or Zoom, to enable participants to put together a realistic business plan and give them all the confidence needed to start their business
Ongoing email support for confidence building and organisational support, to keep participants on track throughout the programme
An augmented reality business start-up workbook, which gives access to training, information and support videos
A peer to peer self-employment service, which we see has such a powerful effect in supporting people through the ups and downs of self-employment, so they are more likely to be successful in the longer term
Essential business templates to make sure no stone is unturned on the business start up journey.
This splendiferous programme can be delivered over a timescale that fits in with your organisations' availability and will deliver the best quality self-employment support to your participants, at the highest level and for metaphorical peanuts.